Microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12
Microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12

microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12

Our edX courses, taught by Microsoft experts, let you learn through hands-on experience with broad reach, cutting-edge technologies in areas including cloud services, mobile development, and data sciences. In this new connected world, we believe technology creates opportunity, and our edX courses are designed to provide you with the core development skills needed to be successful in the cloud-first, mobile-first world. We are moving from a world where computing power was scarce to a place where it now is almost limitless, and where the true scarce commodity is increasingly human attention.

microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12

This computing power will digitize nearly everything around us, and will derive insights from all of the data being generated by interactions among people and between people and machines. Billions of sensors, screens and devices – in conference rooms, living rooms, cities, cars, phones, PCs – are forming a vast network and streams of data that simply disappear into the background of our lives. Computing is ubiquitous, and experiences span devices and exhibit ambient intelligence. We live in a mobile-first and cloud-first world.

microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12

You stop doing useful things if you don't learn.” – Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

Microsoft access 2013 tutorial level 1 part 03 of 12