Cuphead steam sale
Cuphead steam sale

cuphead steam sale

It took a bit for me to get the muscle memory back. In Cuphead, it's set to X by default, but in games like Hollow Knight and Blue Fire, you press ZR to dash. So many games nowadays have an air-dash move, and I found myself forgetting which button does the dash in Cuphead. I think I was a little turned off by the DLC at first because not only are these bosses more challenging than the base game, but I hadn't played in a very long time and was pretty rusty. The DLC has some of my favorite music in the game, though, and the animation is top-notch, of course. Between Klonoa, Sonic Origins, Fall Guys, and more that all released within such a close period, I'm completely swamped at the moment! There's just been so many other games to play right now, I kinda keep forgetting about it, lol.

cuphead steam sale

With that said, I still haven't finished the DLC yet. In our review for the expansion, we stated that "it may be a tad on the short side, but what's here is absolutely fantastic and it's reasonably priced to take its length into account", confirming that "if you have the original, this is essential".Ĭuphead is like one of my top 5 favorite games of all-time, and I love it so much I 200% completed the game. These words certainly do not encompass how grateful we are, but to the amazing Cuphead players worldwide we say nonetheless: thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” “This marks an even quicker timeline than it took for the original game to achieve this momentous feat, and we are just beside ourselves with joy and appreciation. Studio Director and Executive Producer Maja Moldenhauer had the following to say via on the accomplishment via a blog post: Now, it's been revealed by Studio MDHR that Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course has sold one million copies in just two weeks, which is frankly an astonishing feat! The company has celebrated the milestone with a gorgeous new piece of art, which you can check out above. The long-gestating DLC expansion for Cuphead finally launched on June 30th for Switch and other platforms, adding a whole bunch of new bosses to inflict pain and suffering on players around the world.

Cuphead steam sale